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Air Jordan Retro 1 OG ''Shadow''

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Legendarni Air Jordan 1 v izdaji "OG'' kolekcije.

  • Narejeni za stil in celodnevno udobje. 
  • Slog izvira iz leta 1985 in ponuja sodobni stil in udobje. 
  • Zgornji del narejen iz usnja in nubuka, medtem ko podplat iz gume poskrbi za dodatno udobje in trpežnost. 
  • V peti Air-Sole enota za lahkotnost in oblazinjenje.

Leto 1985 je bilo odlično leto in ne zgolj zaradi dejstva, da je bil Michael Jordan ''rookie of the year'' ter da smo njegove vragolije lahko gledali na tekmi All-Stars. To leto je bilo posebno zaradi prve izdaje najpopularnejših Jordank, Air Jordan 1. Gre za prvo obutev iz uspešne serije Air Jordan, ki je postavila temelj prihodnosti košarkarske obutve. Svoj podpis na obutev je pristavil danes legendarni Peter Moore. In čeprav jih Jordan na začetku ni želel nositi (barve so spominjale na barve hudiča), je kasneje le privolil in verjamemo, da mu danes ni žal.

Air Jordan 1 je bila prva košarkarska obutev, ki je vsebovala več barv in zaradi tega je bila deležna velike pozornosti, tudi vodilnih v ligi NBA, ki so jo nato prepovedali oziroma postavili jasna pravila in višino kazni, ki jo je moral Jordan plačati, če jih je želel nositi. Nike je v vsem skupaj prepoznal svojo priložnost in mladega Jordan vzpodbudil k nošenju Air Jordan 1, sami pa so vsako tekmo, ko se je Mike prikazal v njih plačali okroglih 5.000 $. Promocija sama po sebi je bila odlična, prav tako kampanja z imenom ''Banned by the NBA'', ki je hkrati pomenila začetek Jordan brenda

Michael Jordan

For most fans, he is the greatest basketball player of all time a.k.a. the GOAT! While playing for the University of North Carolina, Chicago Bulls and Washington Wizards, he performed some of the most legendary moves in the history of basketball. After one NCAA Championship and six NBA titles, as many MVP Finals awards, five regular season MVP awards, 14 All-Star appearances, after being the NBA's leading scorer 10 times, winning two dunk contests and even being the best defensive player in the NBA in 1988 and two Olympic gold medals, "His Airness" changed the world of basketball with his game. He also made basketball one of the most popular sports in the world, and his collections are an inspiration to people of all ages around the world. As an owner of the Charlotte Hornets, he is still active in the NBA today, and he confirmed his immortality by being inducted into the Hall of Fame!

Air Jordan

In 1984, Nike signed the extremely talented Michael Jordan and in 1985 launched the first legendary Air Jordan 1 sneakers. This was followed by other popular models that turned the brand into a global hit, with ambassadors such as Ray Allen, Carmelo Anthony, Chris Paul, Jayson Tatum, Zion Williamson and Luka Dončić. Jumpman, the logo of this brand is a sign of top quality and style and must be in the wardrobe of every basketball fan.

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