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Air Jordan Retro 3 ''Wolf Grey''



Ponovno je čas za Air Jordan Retro 3 ''release'', tokrat v ''Cyber Monday'' izvedbi!

  • Vsekakor eden izmed težje pričakovanih izdaj v tem mesecu. 
  • Črno premium usnje nudi izjemen občutek z logotipom Jumpman na peti. 
  • Jezik v usnjeni izvedbi.

Air Jordan III Air Jordan 3 so bile prelomnica v zgodbi Nike, Jordana in njegove obutve. Po odhodu Peter Moora in Bruce Kilgora iz Nikea, je k odhodu Jordana prepričeval tudi Peter Moore in usoda je želela, da se je Jordan odločil ostati z Nikeom. In Nike se je zavedal, da gre za prelomno točko, kjer morajo pokazati, česa so sposobni, zato so k sodelovanju povabili nikogar drugega kot Thinker Hatfielda ter mu v popolnosti zaupali usodo Jordanove obutve.

Thinker je pred tem v Nikeu deloval kot arhitekt trgovin in pisarn. In zadeli so v polno! Sezona 1987-1988 je bila za Jordana naravnost odlična. Jordan je osvojil Dunk Contest v novih Jordan III, postal je MVP All-Stars tekme, bil izbran v najboljšo obrambno ekipo ter bil izbran za najboljšega obrambnega igralca lige. Da bi bila zgodba Jordan III uspešna, se je k sodelovanju v bistveno večji meri kot poprej posvetil tudi Michael. Jordan je želel lažjo obutev, ki omogoča več gibljivosti. Zato sta prišla do zaključka, da je vredno poskusiti z srednje visoko obutvijo, prvi tovrsten model v Jordanovi liniji obutve.

Na tej obutvi je bil prostor tudi za znameniti Jordan logotip, Jordan Jumpman, ki ga lahko vidimo na peti obutve. In zgodba se tu ne konča, saj na Jordan III lahko vidimo tudi danes zaščitni znak Jordanove znamke, to je Elephant print. Prav tako so Jordan III prve v seriji, kjer je Air-Sole enota v petnem delu vidna. Velika sprememba je tudi logotip Jordan Jumpman, ki je zamenjal logotip Jordan Wings.

Svoj del k uspehu Jordan III pa je dodal tudi Spike Lee, znani ameriški režiser (Mars Blackmon), čigar reklame so v sodelovanju z Michaelom postale naravnost legendarne. Kako pomemben je bil Spike Lee za znamko Nike ter Jordan dokazuje dejstvo, da si je prislužil svojo obutev in sicer Jordan Spizike. Obutev je bila narejena v čast sodelovanju in odnosu, ki se je razvil med Michaelom in Spike Lee-jem, vsebuje pa elemente Air Jordan Retro III, IV, V in VI.

Michael Jordan

For most fans, he is the greatest basketball player of all time a.k.a. the GOAT! While playing for the University of North Carolina, Chicago Bulls and Washington Wizards, he performed some of the most legendary moves in the history of basketball. After one NCAA Championship and six NBA titles, as many MVP Finals awards, five regular season MVP awards, 14 All-Star appearances, after being the NBA's leading scorer 10 times, winning two dunk contests and even being the best defensive player in the NBA in 1988 and two Olympic gold medals, "His Airness" changed the world of basketball with his game. He also made basketball one of the most popular sports in the world, and his collections are an inspiration to people of all ages around the world. As an owner of the Charlotte Hornets, he is still active in the NBA today, and he confirmed his immortality by being inducted into the Hall of Fame!

Air Jordan

In 1984, Nike signed the extremely talented Michael Jordan and in 1985 launched the first legendary Air Jordan 1 sneakers. This was followed by other popular models that turned the brand into a global hit, with ambassadors such as Ray Allen, Carmelo Anthony, Chris Paul, Jayson Tatum, Zion Williamson and Luka Dončić. Jumpman, the logo of this brand is a sign of top quality and style and must be in the wardrobe of every basketball fan.

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