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Air Jordan Retro VII ''Pure Money''

- 20%
€190.00 €152.00


Občutite legendarnost, občutite enega izmed najlažjih modelov Jordan Retro kolekcije.

  • Narejene po dizajnu Tinkerja so bili Jordan Retro 7 narejeni v letu olimpijskih iger leta 1992 v Barceloni. 
  • Inovativne tehnologije ter prilagodljiv, premium zgornji del so glavne posebnosti Jordan Retro 7.


  • Pure Money colorway. 
  • Vmesni podplat z Air Sole zagotavlja oblazinjenje. 
  • Podplat iz gume za dolgotrajnost na vsakem koraku.


Thinker je svoj navdih za oblikovanje Jordanove linije jemal praktično povsod. In v času, ko je nastajal Jordan VII se je Thinker nahajal v Portlandu, kjer je videl poster z afriško umetnostjo. Na posterju je bil kitarist s kitaro v obliki Afrike. In ravno pri oblikovanju Jordan VII je Jordan izrazil željo, da njegov naslednji model izgleda mladostno, zanimivo, a kljub temu sofisticirano. Thinker se je brez prevelikega razmisleka odpravil v trgovino, kjer je želel kupiti poster. Seveda ga je lastnik trgovine zavrnil, češ da gre za reklamo in promocijo radio oddaje Afropop glasbe. Ko je Thinker povedal, kdo je in kaj počne, se je lastnik le omehčal in ga prodal za 15 $. In tako so Jordan VII dobile svoj navdih po vzorcih zahodno-afriških plamen, ki se nahajajo na tem posterju.

Leta 1992 so bile na vrsti tudi znamenite olimpijske igre v Barceloni, kjer so bile narejene posebne Jordan VII s številko 9 in ne 23. Številko 9 je Jordan nosil na dresu prvega in pravega Dream Teama. Na Jordan VII ni več videti Nike Air ali vidne Air-Sole enote. Globalno lansiranje Jordan VII je potekalo v navdihu z risanim junakom Buggs Bunnyem, zato se Jordan VII dostikrat imenujejo preprosto Jordan Buggs Bany.

Michael Jordan

For most fans, he is the greatest basketball player of all time a.k.a. the GOAT! While playing for the University of North Carolina, Chicago Bulls and Washington Wizards, he performed some of the most legendary moves in the history of basketball. After one NCAA Championship and six NBA titles, as many MVP Finals awards, five regular season MVP awards, 14 All-Star appearances, after being the NBA's leading scorer 10 times, winning two dunk contests and even being the best defensive player in the NBA in 1988 and two Olympic gold medals, "His Airness" changed the world of basketball with his game. He also made basketball one of the most popular sports in the world, and his collections are an inspiration to people of all ages around the world. As an owner of the Charlotte Hornets, he is still active in the NBA today, and he confirmed his immortality by being inducted into the Hall of Fame!


Nike, the largest sports company in the world, is present in almost all sports: basketball, soccer, athletics, football, tennis, etc. They are focused on continuous development by introducing various new technologies such as Dri-FIT, Air Max, Air Zoom, Therma-FIT, Lunarlon, Flyknit, Air Zoom Strobel, React foam, etc. that give athletes an advantage so they can achieve even better results. In the world of basketball, their quality is represented by Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Kevin Durant, Paul George and others.

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