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New Era Philadelphia 76ers On Court 39Thirty Cap ''Blue''

- 20%
€35.00 €28.00


The perfect accessory for any Cklahoma Thunder City fan, this supporters cap in official team colours will keep you looking bang on trend this season.

  • Stretch fit 39THIRTY profile.
  • Black contoured front panels. 
  • Rear hive sports mesh panels in red.
  • Matching curved visor.
  • Chicago Bulls’ team emblem to the front of the cap.
  • Secondary team logo stitched to the right hand side.
  • Official NBA logo embroidered to the rear.

New Era

A global "lifestyle" brand that offers unique hats and sportswear. The company was founded in 1920 by Ehrhardt Koch in Buffalo, USA, and is now run by the fourth generation of the same family. Today, they are partners of the NBA, NFL, MLB and many other leagues and clubs, which is why their top quality products with great design are always recognizable and extremely popular!