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Kompresijski nogavičnik Zero Point ''Black''-XS

- 50%
€30.00 €15.00


Kompresijski nogavčnik Zero Point je namenjen uporabi med treningom oz. fizično aktivnostjo.

  • Posebno tkanje omogoča udobje in večjo moč med treningom. 
  • Uporaba med treningom omogoča hitrejšo regeneracijo in pa pomoč pri zmanjševanju športnih poškodb. 
  • Sestava: 75% poliamid, 25% Elastan. 
  • Stopnja kompresije: SREDNJA (20-30mmHg). 

Velikost (obseg meč v cm):

XS      26-30cm
S        28-33cm
M       33-37cm
L        37-42cm
XL     42-47cm
XXL   45-50cm.

Zero Point

It is scientifically proven that the compression socks help in accelerating the blood supply to the muscles at a wide range of sports activities. Through compression accelerated circulation of blood provides the muscles with maximal flow of oxygen which increases endurance and decreases the possibility of any injuries. The company Zero Point was founded in 2009 in Finland and started initially with the production of compression for medical purposes. A year later, the offer of products was extended to the range of compression accessories intended for all sports enthusiasts. Their products are recommended for increased endurance, faster body regeneration and decreased possibility of injuries.