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Air Jordan Retro 4 ''Motorsport Away''

€155.74 VAT NOT included


Premium stil, premium izgled, premium release!

  • Jordan Retro 4 ''Motorsports'', ki zagotavlja slog večne dediščine. 
  • Obutev ponuja prilagodljivost in stil!
  • Zgornji del iz premium usnja in mrežice, kar omogoča boljšo zračnost. 
  • Peta z Air-Sole za dodatno oblazinjenje in udobje. 


  • Bela, modra in črna barva.
  • Posebna izdaja Motorsport.
  • OG Jumpman logo na jeziku. 
  • Jumpman logo na peti.

Bilo je leto 1989 in Tinker Hatfiled, kot glavni oblikovalec Jordanove obutve je imel pred seboj velik izziv. Ponoviti uspeh Jordan III izdaje. Pred seboj je imel cilj, da Jordan IV ponudi več performance izgleda in funkcionalnosti, kot je bilo to mogoče opaziti pri njegovih predhodnikih. In čeprav je temu bilo tako v preteklosti, pa je to danes težko trditi, saj so Jordan IV odlična izbira za lifestyle garderobo in večni urbani stil, ki nas vrne v preteklost in čas ''največjega''.

Jordan IV so bile prve, kjer smo lahko zasledili mrežico, ki prekriva del zgornjega dela obutve. Da bi se izognil cenenemu izgledu, so mrežico namočili v mehko plastiko in jo prepihali, kar je temu delu ponudilo dolgotrajnejši in trpežnejši izgled. Ko k vsemu skupaj dodamo še vidno Air Sole enoto, logotip na peti in jeziku, mrežico na zgornjem delu obutve ter opornika na straneh, dobimo obutev, ki velja za eno izmed najpopularnejših v Jordan Retro kolekciji.

Michael Jordan

For most fans, he is the greatest basketball player of all time a.k.a. the GOAT! While playing for the University of North Carolina, Chicago Bulls and Washington Wizards, he performed some of the most legendary moves in the history of basketball. After one NCAA Championship and six NBA titles, as many MVP Finals awards, five regular season MVP awards, 14 All-Star appearances, after being the NBA's leading scorer 10 times, winning two dunk contests and even being the best defensive player in the NBA in 1988 and two Olympic gold medals, "His Airness" changed the world of basketball with his game. He also made basketball one of the most popular sports in the world, and his collections are an inspiration to people of all ages around the world. As an owner of the Charlotte Hornets, he is still active in the NBA today, and he confirmed his immortality by being inducted into the Hall of Fame!


In 1984, Nike signed the extremely talented Michael Jordan and in 1985 launched the first legendary Air Jordan 1 sneakers. This was followed by other popular models that turned the brand into a global hit, with ambassadors such as Ray Allen, Carmelo Anthony, Chris Paul, Jayson Tatum, Zion Williamson and Luka Dončić. Jumpman, the logo of this brand is a sign of top quality and style and must be in the wardrobe of every basketball fan.

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