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Dribble Glasses – Court Vision™



Use the SKLZ Court Vision dribble goggles for better ball control and improved awareness of the whole court.


  • Forces player to handle the ball with his or her head up to survey the court
  • Improves reaction time against defenders
  • Increases confidence on the court
  • Adjustable elastic strap and soft flexible plastic rims for a comfortable fit


American company SKLZ with its headquarters in California was founded in year 1999, with the aim to contribute to the maximum development of the physical potential of athletes. The expertise and many years of experience of large number of coaches who had knew exactly what their athletes and clients need for achieving better results had very powerful influence to the overall SKLZ development. The SKLZ equipment enables that the professional and recreational athletes develop their physical potential and become faster, more accurate and stronger, and also take care for the successful regeneration of the body.