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Continue shopping Sign inAt Grosbasket, we are proud to represent and market brands such as Nike, Adidas, Under Armour, K1X, SKLZ, and McDavid, which due to their quality and wide assortment represent the best that the basketball market has to offer. In our offer, you can find only the highest quality products, but sometimes it happens that the ordered product gets damaged or has a manufacturing defect, which we want to resolve quickly and in accordance with your expectations. To make a complaint in-store or online, it is necessary to fill out a report form beforehand.
Completely fill out the complaint form and attach it to the product you want to complain about.
Bring the damaged product or product with a defect to our store or send it to the address:
Grosbasket d.o.o.
Gosjakova ulica 2
8000 Novo mesto
The cost of shipping and returning the product is borne by the customer.
The product will then be appropriately and professionally inspected, as it often happens that the damage to the product occurs due to negligence or mechanical error during the movement and use by the customer. We will respond to the received complaint form within 8 days.
You will be notified whether the complaint is accepted or rejected within 30 days of submitting the complaint request. Typically, you can expect a decision on the complaint within 14 days.
You can find the complaint form HERE.
If you have additional questions, we are available through our customer support center at: E: [email protected] or T: +386 59 344 580.